On Demand
Php Home | W3resource -
Php | Tutorialspoint -
PHP | W3schools
Php Mysql Html Jquery Training | Intellipaat -
Php Training | Gangboard -
PHP Training | Naresh IT -
Php Training | Zeolearn
Basic PHP Syllabus For Beginners
- Introduction to HTML
- HTML Tags
- Creating Forms
- Creating tables
- Managing home page
- Introduction to CSS
- Three ways to use CSS
- CSS Properties
- Designing website
- Working with Templates
- Javascript
- Introduction to Javascript
- Three ways to use Javascript
- Working with events
- Client-side Validation
- Ajax
- Introduction to AJAX
- PHP with AJAX
- Working with database
On Demand
Learn Php | Codecademy -
Php Tutorial | Tutorialrepublic
Php And Mysql Training | Knowledgehut -
Php Development Training | Simplilearn -
Php Deep Dive Training | Zeolearn -
Php Mysql | Edureka
Advanced PHP Course & Syllabus
- Introduction To PHP
- PHP Intro
- PHP Install
- PHP Syntax
- PHP Variables
- PHP Echo / Print
- PHP Data Types
- PHP Strings
- PHP Constants
- PHP Operators
- Handling HTML Form With PHP
- PHP Form Handling
- PHP Form Validation
- PHP Form Required
- PHP Form URL/E-mail
- PHP Form Complete
- Decision And Loop
- Making Decisions
- Doing Repetitive task with looping
- Mixing Decisions and looping with Html
- PHP If…Else…Elseif
- PHP Switch
- PHP While Loops
- PHP For Loops
- Function
- What is a function
- Define a function
- Call by value and Call by reference
- Recursive function
- String
- Creating and accessing String
- Searching & Replacing String
- Formatting String
- String Related Library function
- Array
- Anatomy of an Array
- Creating index based and Associative array
- Accessing array Element
- Looping with Index based array
- Looping with associative array using each() and foreach()
- Some useful Library function
- Working With File And Directories
- Understanding file& directory
- Opening and closing a file
- Copying, renaming and deleting a file
- Working with directories
- Building a text editor
- File Uploading & Downloading
- State Management
- Using query string(URL rewriting)
- Using Hidden field
- Using cookies
- Using session
- String Matching With Regular Expression
- What is regular expression
- Pattern matching in Php
- Replacing text
- Splitting a string with a Regular Expression
- Database Connectivity With MySql
- Introduction to RDBMS
- Connection with MySql Database
- Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select)
- Setting query parameter
- Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.)Framework- CodeIgniter
PHP Framework
- Introduction To Codeigniter
- Understanding the MVC Pattern Models
- How MVC works?
- Configuration CodeIgniter
- Setting up CodeIgniter with apache Environment eg. Enable mod_rewrite
- Configuration CodeIgniter to work with database
- Models: Creating Up Model For A Database Table
- Fetching data
- Saving and updating data
- Deleting data
- User-defined function in model
- Data Validation
- Controller: Creating Controller
- Controller function
- Interacting with model
- Interacting with views
- Controller variables and parameters
- Redirection
- Getting post data
- Views: Creating Views
- Working with configuration layout
- Creating custom layout
- Element and helpers
- Codeigniter Session
- Storing data in cake session
- Reading a session data
- Delete data from session

W3schools PHP Certification
This course includes- - The PHP Developer Certificate proves fundamental knowledge of web development using PHP and MySQL.

PHP Certification | Zend
This course includes- - The Zend Certified PHP Engineer is an industry-wide standard that recognizes PHP expertise and is a measure of distinction that employers use to evaluate prospective employees. Join the thousands of PHP professionals who have received official certifications and be recognized for your PHP expertise.