Dot Net
On Demand
ASP.NET Tutorial For Beginners | Udemy -
DOT NET Tutorials -
ASP.NET Tutorial | Tutorialspoint
Asp Dot Net Online Corporate Training | Ecorptrainings -
Dot NET Training | Gang Board -
Dot Net Online Training | Online It Guru -
Dot Net Training | Zeolearn
- Introduction to .NET
- Introduction of Language
- Introduction of Web Application
- Platform Dependence, Independence & Portability
- Introduction of .NET Framework
- Introduction of Compiler & MSIL
- Introduction of CLR
- Introduction of CLS, CTS, CLI
- OOPs Implementation
- Encapsulation, Abstraction, Class & object
- Relation b/w objects and reference variables
- Method Overloading & Types of Methods
- Description of Memory blocks: Stacks, Heap & Class Area
- Constructors and Destructor & Garbage Collection
- Using Scope & Dispose Method
- Usage of this keyword
- Static Data members, Constructors & methods
- Relation & Implementing Has-A relation
- Implementing Is-A relation using Inheritance
- Method Overriding & Hiding
- Usage of Base keyword
- Static & Dynamic binding
- Runtime polymorphism and generalization
- Abstract classes & methods
- Interfaces and Role-based Inheritance
- Usage of sealed, partial, out, ref, pram keyword
- Namespace
- Assembly & GAC
- Property & Indexer
- Windows Application
- Delegates & Event
- Event Handling
- Windows App. Component
- Object class and its role
- String Handling
- String class & concept of Immutability
- Pool of String Constants & its use
- Common String operations
- Use of String Builder
- Exception Handling
- Difference b/w exception and error
- Exception Handling & Robustness
- Common Exceptions and Errors
- Try and catch block
- Exception handlers
- throw keyword and its usage
- Role of finally
- Exception Class Methods & properties
- Creating User-defined Exceptions
- Multithreading in .NET
- Multitasking and Multithreading
- Process & thread
- States of Thread
- Thread based execution model of .NET Applications
- Implementing User threads
- Thread synchronization
- Inter Thread communication
- Thread Interrupting
- Daemon Threads and their use
- Input-Output Streams
- Streams & their advantages over conventional input-output
- Reading & writing data byte by byte, line by line, and in one go
- Redirecting Standard input & output streams
- Serialization & Deserialization
- Serialization Formatter
- XML Formatter
- Binary Formatter
- Soap Formatter
- JSON Formatter
- File class and File System Interaction
- Zip & Unzip Files
- Reflection
- Understanding object representation of classes
- Loading classes dynamically
- Instantiating classes indirectly
- Obtaining information of classes dynamically
- Invoking methods indirectly
- Referencing data members indirectly
- Overriding access policy and referencing private members
- Collection Framework
- Role and Importance of Collection Framework
- Index-Based Collection Array List, Stack, Queue
- Use Define Collection
- Map-Based Collection Use of Key & Value pair (Entry)
- Hash Table, Sorted List
- Searching elements in List, Hash and Tree-based collections
- Role of equals and hashCode() methods
- Role of Comparable interfaces
- Type safety and Generics
- Generic Collection
- List ,Stack ,Queue ,Dictionary ,Linked List ,Sorted List
On Demand
ASP.NET Core Tutorials | Tutorialsteacher -
Advanced Dot Net | Thinkit Training -
Concurrency In .NET | Manning -
.NET Framework | Javatpoint
Dot Net Training | Besant Technologies -
ASP.NET Core | Dotnettricks -
ASP.NET Online Training | Knowledgehut -
ASP.NET Online Training | Nareshit
- Windows application programming
- Introduction
- Controls
- Menus and Context Menus
- Dialog
- Form Inheritance
- Other Misc. Topics
- Database Connectivity Using ADO.NET
- Overview of Database & Database Server
- Introduction of SQL Server 2008
- DML & DDL Query
- Join, Trigger, Procedure & function
- Connected Layer
- Connection, Command & Data Layer
- Disconnected Layer
- Adaptor, Data Set, Table, Row & Column
- ODBC, OLEDB, Oracle Client
- Connectivity with Oracle, Access, Excel & MySql
- Connection Pooling
- Web Application Programming Using Asp.NET
- Web application architecture
- Static Web Page
- Application Life Cycle
- Dynamic Page
- Page Life Cycle & Event Method
- Html & Server Control
- Server Control Event Life Cycle
- State Management
- Url Rewriting, Hidden Form Field, View State, Session, Cookies & Application.
- Global class & Event Method
- Uploading & Downloading
- Page Directives
- Data Source
- SqlDataSource, XmlDataSource, SiteMapDataSource & ObjectDataSource
- Data Control
- DataList, DetailsView, FormView, GridView, ListView & Repeater
- Validation Control
- CompareValidator, CustomValidator, RangeValidator, RegularExpressionValidator & ValidationSummary
- Navigation
- Menu, SiteMapPath & TreeView
- Login Control & Membership
- Login, LoginName, LoginStaus, LoginView, PasswordRecovery, ChangePassword, CreateUserWizaed.
- Ajax Extensions
- ScriptManager, UpdatePanel, UpdateProgress & Timer
- Globalization & localization
- Master Page & Style them
- POP3
- MVC3
- Introduction to MVC3
- The Model-View-Controller Pattern
- Differences Between MVC and Web Forms Applications
- Building a Simple MVC Application with Visual Studio
- Working with Controllers and Actions
- Introduction to Controllers
- Using a Controller to Manage the Application
- Controller Actions
- Returning Action Results
- Creating MVC Models
- Data and Business Rules in MVC Applications
- Creating a Custom Data Model
- Data Validation and Data Annotations
- Using MVC Views
- Views in ASP.NET MVC
- Creating Views
- Adding Content to a View
- HTML Helpers and Action Filters
- Using HTML Helpers in MVC
- Creating a Custom Helper
- Using Action Filters
- Creating a Custom Filter
- Routing and URLs
- Customizing Application URLs
- Creating Route Constraints
- Routing and Web Forms
- Using MVC and AJAX and JQuery
- Integrating Client-Side Script with MVC
- Using the MVC AJAX Helpers
- Working with JSON Data
- Networking
- Introduction of Networking
- Understanding socket and port
- TCP Client & Tcp Listener
- TCP/IP based networking
- HTTP based networking
- HttpRequest
- HttpResponse
- Remoting
- Application Domain
- Remotable & NonRemotable Object
- Marshal-By-Reference
- ServerActivatedObject(SAO)
- SingleCall
- Singleton
- ClientActivatedObject
- Channels
- TcpChannal
- Service Configuration & Hosting
- Introduction to LINQ
- LINQ expressions
- Using via extension methods
- Filtering
- Sorting
- Aggregation
- Skip and Take operators
- Joins
- Extension methods
- Object initialization syntax
- Anonymous types
- Lambda expressions
- Deferred Execution
- Benefits and drawbacks
- IEnumerable vs IQueryable
- Using across tiers
- Data Projection
- Single result value
- Existing types
- Anonymous types
- Grouping
- New XML classes
- Generating XML
- Querying XML
- Using data projection
- Combining with XPath
- Attributes and mapping
- Creating a DataContext
- Deferred loading
- Saving changes
- Inserts and deletes
- Transactions

Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer | Microsoft
This course includes- - This certification validates that you have the skills needed to build modern mobile and/or web applications and services.