
Job Portal Application

Job Portal Application

In the past, finding jobs or recruiting employees was like a nightmare. Filtering all the applications and selecting the required profile from a huge stack of applications needs a lot of paperwork and is burdensome. However, advancement in technology made this recruitment mechanism easier through job portal apps. These applications are the smartest and easiest way to recruit the desired job profiles. As we know that job portals act as a bridge between the recruiters and job seekers, our job portal development company develops unique job portal apps with all advanced features to make the recruitment process hassle-free.

Quick Insights:

Our job portal software development basically enables users to search and post a job. Any user who
is interested in a specific kind of job can apply for the job. Also, the recruiter who wants to hire can
post the job. In this way, it acts as a channel between the users and the recruiters.

Why choose us?

We at Tvisha Technologies are a well-noted and trustworthy job portal development company. We
develop applications that are easy to understand and simple to use.
Our panel of job portal application developers is enthusiastic in providing sophisticated solutions for
the job portal apps. They are proficient in providing dynamic and robust applications to meet your
business requirements.

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App Features

Resume Builder
This feature allows a user to build the CV from the application using various pre-defined free and paid resume templates. The templates cannot be added by the admin. Resumes vary category to category. User can select the category of resume based on the years of experience in the industry and has to give all the inputs to the system. Once the category is selected, the relevant resume templates will be displayed to the user.  If a user wants to build the resume on paid templates, he/she has to make payment through a third party payment gateway. There is no limit of resumes that a user can build. The saved resumes can be seen in “My resumes” in the application.
Advanced Profile builder
The user has to give all the data about the key skill that he/she has in the industry, the total number of project that they worked on, their other activities apart from the technical knowledge in the profile screen. Because the more data a user gives to the system in the profile page, the more jobs will step towards the user. This profile will be visible to the recruiters. When a recruiter search for a keyword for employee profile, the same keyword which is mentioned in the user’s profile will be displayed to the recruiter. The system will calculate the total percentage of profile completion based on the total inputs required for a user to fill in the profile. 
Job Seeking
Job seekers or users can be registered through the application by providing all the details asked by the system such as uploading a resume, years of experience, and skills, etc. The registered user now can easily search for a job based on location, region, sector, and skill set, etc. User can also see the status of self-profile such as the number of views to my profile and number of picks on my profile. When a recruiter search for a profile, the same details furnished by the user will be displayed. Users can get notified when a recruiter select their profile.
Job Posting
Any recruiter on behalf of a company or the company itself directly can post for the job requirement. There is a separate application for the recruiter module. Before posting a job requirement, the recruiter has to furnish the details asked by the system such as “Number of years required” and “key Skills Required”, etc. The recruiter has to pay some amount for "easy listing of required profile" feature through a third-party payment gateway. The recruiter can like and download the profile of a job seeker.
Chatting between Job Seeker and Recruiter
The chatting feature in this application allows a job seeker to chat directly with the recruiter from the application itself. It is applicable for Premium users either recruiter or job seeker. In case the recruiter likes the job seeker’s profile, both can get connected on one to one chat. This feature allows sending/receiving the messages, attaching a file/document, and to view the status as either "online" or "offline". Both job seeker and the recruiter can view chat history along with date and time.
Company Registrations
This feature allows the private and public companies to register with the application. From the backend, the admin adds companies to the application by furnishing all the details such as “About the company”, and “Total openings in the company”, etc. The same details will be visible to all the job seekers. Job seekers can view all the details such as the list of registered companies and their job openings. And job seekers can easily apply for jobs of their wish.
The feature is the central wing for business to a Business or the Application owner. The features like premium resume templates, easy access to job seekers, easy access to job recruiters/companies, chat features will be redirected to the payment gateway. The amount paid by a job seeker or a recruiter will be directly transferred to the business owner’s account. It provides the job seekers, recruiters, and Admin the total transactions history in a week or month, or in a year. Admin can monitor the reports and analytics by navigating through “User wise payment reports”, “Recruiter wise payment reports”, and "company wise payment reports" sections provided in the application.
Course Module
This feature facilitates a wide range of courses from all streams/sectors. Admin adds different courses with a price tag for each course. Users have to make an online payment to access the courses. After payment, users can access any course of their choice from any sector. They can watch videos, images, and download the documents of a particular course. Moreover, users will be recommended to the jobs based on the completed course and can directly apply for a job from the recommended jobs.
Meet your business requirements
Hassle-free operation
Minimizes workload
Easy and fast filtering of applications
Easy management of recruiting
Impeccable security for the data
SMS Gateway API:  It allows users to verify their accounts and receive job notification alerts.Payment Gateway API: It allows subscribed users to make payments.

Disclaimer : The following apps are not developed by tvisha and these are being provided for reference purpose only. The names and logos are the properties of the respective companies.


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