How to Develop an On Demand Car Wash Mobile App: Cost & Functionalities
Daily chores are an essential part of one’s routine. However, the preeminent task is to take care of your valuable and endearing assets. To make it more clear, assets are like toddlers. They have to be pampered, loved, and refurbished on a regular basis. Otherwise, the consequences would break your heart. One among such assets is your car!
Cars, in all honesty, are an absolute necessity in your everyday life. They are being used for multiple purposes such as commute, weekend outing, traveling, and much more. Such extensive usage, on a daily basis, is bound to attract dust and other pollutants of this tarnished environment; which in result might become unrecognizable even to you.
Car Wash Usage:
Leaving your car in Dust is absolutely erroneous. Just like we, humans, take bath on a daily basis, cars require their servicing too. One very important and probably, the easiest, in a sense, non-technical, part of regular servicing is washing your car. You can undermine the cleanliness of your car as much as you want, but they certainly are not healthy for your car in the long run. Dusts, accumulated over time would settle at the most inaccessible of places in your car, like your engine, radiators etc. And can do some pretty harmful permanent damages; which is why it is expected to have a regular car-wash.
While this may sound easy to you, and it is at some level, but after a certain limit, your cars cannot be cleaned effectively domestically. It is really hard to clean something which has accumulated days’ worth of dust and dirt, some of them at the most unsavory of places where normal people like us cannot even reach. Washing a car on the outside is as important as washing and cleaning its remote bends and angles, a few of which you won’t even know about.
Hence, it is a very good idea to leave this task to professionals. Car wash service providers will often tell you that car washing is an art and hence, for the best results, you will have to rely on experienced people who have had proper training. As such, car wash industry is a multi-billion industry. Even last year, just in the US, it generated $5.8 billions as revenue annually while providing services to approximately 8 million cars over the year.
This goes on to show how big the industry is. And when coupled with on-demand services, the potential of growth is even more. Connecting your car wash service with mobile technology and subsequently developing your Car Wash Mobile app is one of the best ways to secure your own consumer base by extending your services to areas that you could not cover physically. Isn’t that beneficial?
Additionally, there are only a few online service providers currently active, and hence, if done correctly, you can annex a major portion of this untapped market. So, if you are planning to go down this road, be warned that it requires matriculate planning and equally alert attention to details.
The first step for you is to outline the functionalities of your app. Here, let us first take a look at what your custom car cleaning app should do:
- Your app is an online version of your car wash center. So, all the plans, packages and server options that you have in place for your car wash center should automatically find its place on the app and be visible to the users.
- Your app should allow users to place their wash orders, by choosing any of the packages that are displayed on your app.
- Your users should be able to track their orders and receive updates via e-mails and push notifications.
- Finally, your app should have payment gateways and other related payment features where your users can pay you as per their discretion.
Functionalities and Features for Developing an App that Meets Public Demands
In order to fulfill these public demands, here is a list of functionalities and features that you need to add during your app development stage.
These have been classified into three categories: Users, Technicians and Admins.Users are your customers whereas technicians and admins are background staffs, your employees. Technicians will look after the technical aspect of your business, particularly, the IT section whereas Admins will be responsible for the business aspect of your car wash.
- Your app should have an integrated login and sign up features. You should confirm their sign up via e-mails too for security purposes. The user details submitted at the time of sign up should be saved into a data base for future references, preferences, offers and coupons.
- Your Car Wash Mobile App should have location services feature for tracking the car during its service period.
- Your customers should have the liberty to sign up for your services with multiple cars or other similar vehicles. Additionally, customers should be able to book a slot and select a service package from multiple options at their convienience.
- Your app should have a payment gateway via which you can receive payments through net-banking, wallet services or traditional cash and card methods. Integration of other popular wallets is also advised.
- Your cleaning app should give the users option to rate their services and receive feedbacks. Their profile pages should show a detailed history of their past orders.
- Technicians should be able to send and receive push notifications in order to update customers regarding their orders.
- Bidding on user requests and orders in order to secure customers at the earliest.
- They should be able to view theirs’ as well as customer’s job histories.
- They should be able to upload pictures of completed jobs for their customers.
- The admins should have multiple dashboards though which they can control every aspect of their businesses in an augmented but very effective way.
- They should be able to register new technicians and car washes.
- They should have a separate dashboard to manage payments and other financial aspects of your businesses.
- And Finally, they should be able to watch and audit technicians as well as customer ratings and act accordingly with best interest of your businesses in mind.
This here was a summary of how your app should look and work after it has been finalized after the app development stage.
Finally, here comes the cost of your on demand app. The cost of on demand app development depends on various variables and constraints. These include choices of mobile platforms, location of your app development team and the amount of features you wish to include in your own app.
The cost of a car wash app on just iOS comes around $25000, $20000 for android and around $40000 for a combined development project. These numbers have been estimated at $30 per hour rate, which is a standard in Indian and Asian countries. These numbers will be doubled if the developmental team is based in the US or European countries. We hope that this layout of car wash app will benefit you and for the development. If you are having any query and looking to develop a Car Wash Mobile App , you can get in touch with us.Also, the consultation is free of cost!