
How to Develop an App Like Quora: Things You Must Know
Published October 01,2022 by Tvisha Technologies

How to Develop an App Like Quora: Things You Must Know

Sharing information has never been easier than it is now. An app like quora, where people can post their queries and people from all walks of life can answer them and share their experiences and opinions, has a lot of users.

Whenever you try searching for a particular question on Google, more often than not, Quora is one of the top results. When you click the link, you are taken to a web page wherein a similar question is answered by many people who are experts in the field or have strong opinions about it.

It creates a community for the people with common interests to ask questions, learn and share their opinions. Develop an app like Quora helps people to connect with experts in a plethora of fields to have their questions answered. It helps to bridge the knowledge gap among the people, and anyone who is interested to know something can do so by asking the right people. Before going further, let’s discuss about quora app.

What is the Quora App?

The quora app is a highly ranked global platform for asking queries and providing the answers for them. Participating in quora is simple. You just have to begin by registering for it and answering the questions you are interested in. This is a self-moderated app where the best answers can be upvoted, and you can downvote the poor answers.

Is There Any App Like Quora?

One of the prominent apps like quora is Yahoo Answers. It is not the same app like quora, but you can sign up for free, and it incorporates a game system where you acquire points whenever you answer another person’s questions. It will increase the number of queries you can ask or answer daily.

Some Features Quora that You Need in Your App

One of the primary reasons for the success behind Quora is the ability to ask and answer questions about a variety of topics on a single platform. People can discover new subjects that might interest them, share their experiences and opinions, as well as get to know the experience and opinions of other people.
Quora received more than 630 million visitors in January 2019 and generated around 1.3 billion page views. Nearly 20% of the traffic was directly through the mobile application of Quora, and this number is rapidly growing.

1. Across Devices and Platforms

People use their devices interchangeably, which is why it is necessary that the application is provided to them on all their devices, which include laptops, computers, and smartphones. These devices may require different page layout of the application because of the difference in their dimensions.

Several platforms, such as iOS, Android, and Windows, operate these devices. This makes it necessary that if you want to develop an app like quora, it needs to be compatible across multiple platforms for better accessibility. Therefore, consistency should be maintained while building one of the best apps like quora, across all devices and platforms.

2. Real Names and Credibility

Quora policy states that real names need to be used while creating an account. Unlike other apps and platforms where pseudonyms are used in place of real names, this adds credibility to the account as well as the blogs and answers of the user.
In addition to it, the user can add various other sources of credibility, depending on the topics which they are answering. This makes their answers stand out as well as ensures the other viewers that the answer is genuine. Various companies can help you to adapt this feature if you want to create a social networking app development like the Quora app.

3. Content Moderation

One of the main aims of the quora app was to provide quality content to all its users, which meant that they needed a strong content moderation policy. Because the staff cannot moderate all of the content, primarily due to its huge size, the viewers are included in the content moderation policy. The viewers can make suggestions and corrections to the answers, which would be visible to the authors. The authors can then choose to accept or reject those suggestions.
Additionally, the viewers can also report the answers if they are factually incorrect, plagiarized, spam, or do not meet the standards of answering set by Quora. By asking the app development companies to include these extensive features in addition to the simple like/dislike and upvote/downvote options in your app, you can ensure the quality of the content and that it will always be relevant and up-to-date.

4. Answer Recommendations

Engaging the audience and keeping them engaged is one of the major aspects that determine the success of the app. The quora app uses various methods of engaging the audience. Some of the most useful methods are sorting the relevant and related questions based on the preference of the users to provide them with a personalized experience.

Moreover, this Question Answer app also sorts the answers to the questions based on the view-upvote ratio to help the audience identify the best answer. Some of these questions and their best answers are shown on top of the user’s homepage in the mobile applications as a part of Daily Digest.

5. Top Writers Program

The whole model of the Quora app revolves around content; therefore, it is necessary that more and more users contribute towards providing quality content. To encourage more users to write, Quora came up with a program to identify the top writers in November 2012.

Every year a handful of the top writers are recognized by the team of Quora who receive some gifts and a top writer badge. These top writers of this Question Answer app are chosen on the basis of the engagement of viewers with their answers during the period as well as the view-upvote ratio.

6. Easy Searches

While more than 75% of the traffic to the Quora app is directed from the organic searches on search engines, it has an in-application search engine. When users want to know how to make an app like quora, they can use this to look up various questions and topics within the platform so that it increases the rate of page view and the time spent by the users on the application.
By allowing the users to tag the questions with various topics and then using these tags to group the questions based on topics, Quora simplifies the process of searching for a particular topic.

Additional Top Features to Develop an App Like Quora

The other features that you can ask your app development firm to include in your app are:

• Social Media API
• Cloud Storage
• Content Management System.


After you know how to make an app like quora and build it, you must start by creating a community for people willing to learn new things and share their knowledge. Quora began by creating a niche for itself in one field where the questions and answers were from the team of the quora app themselves, Later, when they created a substantial viewer base for themselves, they expanded to include other topics. By using this method for your app, you will also be able to recruit loyal users.


What is Quora app used for?

It is a question-and-answer platform that lets individuals share and increase the world's knowledge. Many people register on quora to ask a query regarding any subject or about their doubts on a specific topic. They can also use this platform to read the relevant information and share their knowledge with others.

How can I make an app like Quora?

You can create an app like quora by following these steps -
1. Analyse the entire design and development of the Quora app.
2. Hire the best app development company to create an app for your like quora.
3. Incorporate all the features like in Quora.
4. Consider the paths to monetise your app.
5. Update the application regularly.

What is the main purpose of Quora?

The primary purpose of Quora is that it is a highly ranked platform which garners and spreads information to the world.

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